Thursday, July 12, 2012

Missing Rain

I took this photo at the farm several weeks ago and we have not had rain since. The farm is so dusty that every day I come home covered in an even layer of Katama dirt.

Our irrigation system is sadly inadequate, and we are constantly having to decide which area of the bone-dry field is most desperate for water. We shuffle our sprinklers and hoses around multiple times a day, running them all day and all night long. We water one area for eight hours and by the next day, all the water has already leached out of the sandy soil or evaporated into the air. 

Luckily all of our mulched beds containing tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, melons, onions, and leeks are retaining moisture a little bit longer than our un-mulched beds; All that hard work mulching our field with cardboard, seaweed and grass clipping this spring is now paying off.

We have a small chance of thunderstorms this weekend. Fingers are crossed.

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